Shop Talk with Vertical Motion | October 2022 Edition

Warp Speed Ahead with October Quick Reads

October 4th — Gatorade launches the Smart Gx Bottle that uses sweat monitoring technology to track hydration and notify users when to replenish.

October 19th — NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captures a breathtaking image of the “Pillars of Creation” within the vast Eagle Nebula, 6,500 light-years from planet Earth.

October 26th — Apple Inc. announces new App Store guidelines requiring “promoted” and “boosted” social media content to be processed as in-app purchases, granting Apple 30% of generated revenue.

October 28th — American Billionaire Elon Musk finalizes Twitter takeover for $88 Billion. The recent purchase and privatization of Twitter will delist the company from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), with shareholders receiving $54.20 per share.

Things to Consider When Building a Mobile App for Your Business

For over a decade, you have likely heard the phrase, “there’s an app for that.” In today’s highly saturated app economy, with over 8 million applications available on the App Store and Google Play, there is a high probability that an app exists for nearly every pain point imaginable. With the increasing advancement of intelligent technology, users can accomplish objectives faster and more efficiently than ever before. From booking flights to learning new languages, mobile applications have put immense power into the hands of their users. As a result, many businesses have fallen prey to thinking that mobile apps are the right solution for all problems. Distracted by the newest and coolest technology, companies often lose sight of the reason for building an application in the first place.

To help you avoid this common pitfall and to keep what is most important top of mind, our Vertical Motion Inc. team has developed a few questions for you to consider when planning your next mobile app.

Understanding the Differences between Agile and Waterfall Project Management

Effective project management is essential for completing internal and external objectives in today’s fast-paced economy. However, few organizations invest the necessary resources to evaluate the success of their practices and procedures. It is important to understand that project management is not “one size fits all.” Therefore, it goes without saying that what works for your competitors or past businesses may not be the right fit for your organization.

The two most popular methodologies used by today’s businesses are Agile Project Management and Waterfall Project Management. Although Vertical Motion Inc. and its clients have found tremendous success using agile project management, it is paramount that you consider which approach will offer your business the best opportunity to achieve its goals on time, on scope, and on budget. To assist you in making the best choice for your organization, here are a few of the most prominent differences between the two approaches.



  • Flexible project budget
  • Project segments completed based on priority
  • Advanced client involvement
  • Amendable project schedule
  • Regular feedback intervals
  • Fixed project budget
  • Project segments completed based on order
  • Limited client involvement
  • Predetermined project schedule
  • Feedback collected at the project end

To learn more about agile and waterfall project management visit

Next.js 13 Debut | Here’s What Developers Can Expect from the Latest Release

Credit | Next.js

On Tuesday, October 26th, front-end cloud developers, Vercel released the latest version of Next.js at Next.js Conf in San Francisco,  California, bringing new innovations in JavaScript tooling and cloud infrastructure to the mainstream. Here are a few of the recent changes you can expect from Next.js 13.


  • A successor of Webpack, Turbopack is a newly developed bundler for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases designed for both development and production.

Routing, Data-fetching, & Server-rendering

  • Introducing an improved developer experience the new infrastructure introduces React Server Components, data fetching for Suspense, support for hybrid, streaming across the entire serverless compute stack, Edge API Routes and Rendering, and new caching strategies.

Font Functionality

  • The new Next.js Font module offers an improved experience working with custom and Google Fonts without sharing customer website data.

Image Optimization

  • The updated Next.js <Image> component reduces overall costs by delegating more responsibility to the browser while also being optimized on the Vercel Edge Network for enhanced performance. 

To learn more about Next.js visit

Time Travelling with Vertical Motion | October Historical Events

October 1, 1982 — Sony releases the first compact disc (CD) player, the Sony CDP-101, in Japan.

October 12, 1988 — Steve Jobs unveils the NeXT Computer (also known as The Cube) at Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco, California, three years after departing Apple.

October 18, 1958 — William Higinbotham designs the first video game, Tennis for Two, which he intended to use at the Brookhaven National Laboratory’s annual public exhibition to entertain attendees.

October 23, 2001 — Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveils the iPod at an event in Cupertino, California, that features 1,000 song storage, a 160-by-128-pixel high-resolution display, and continuous music of up to 10 hours. 

Vertical Motion Inc. is a trusted Canadian software development and entrepreneur assistance company that has supported the global efforts of startups, non-profits, B2B, and B2C businesses since 2006. With headquarters in Calgary and Kelowna, and team members coast to coast, Vertical Motion Inc. is recognized as an award-winning leader in the technology industry. Our team of executive advisors, project managers, software developers, business analysts, marketing specialists, and graphic designers have extensive experience in several industries including — Energy, Finance, Blockchain, Real Estate, Health Care, Clean Technology, Clothing & Apparel, Sports & Recreation, Software as a Service (SaaS), and Augmented & Virtual Reality (AR/VR).

Come chat with us and let us take you “From Idea to Execution and Beyond!” 🚀

Picture of Ty Mikitka
Ty Mikitka

Communications officer on the bridge at Vertical Motion Inc.

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